Ttf extension indicates a regular TrueType font or an OpenType font with TrueType outlines, while a. What is the difference between ttf and TTC? The font will appear in the Fonts window and in other applications on your system after it’s installed.
Windows also lets you install font files in TrueType (. In other words, OTF is indeed the “better” of the two due to the additional features and options, but for the average computer user, those differences don’t really matter.

H, if you haven’t installed a font yet, you can just right-click -> rename the file. OpenType (.otf) OpenType fonts are cross-platform compatible and the same font file can be installed and work on both Macintosh and Windows computers. The glyph outlines in OT/CFF fonts are made of cubic Bézier paths whereas in TT fonts they’re made of quadratic Béziers.

ttf file extension*) are the two modern font formats available for desktop usage today. Strictly speaking, it refers to the Compact Font Format, which is used in the compression processes for the Type2 fonts. TTF stands for TrueTypeFont and indicates that the font data is the same as in the TrueType fonts. For designers, both amateur and professional, the main useful difference between OTF and TTF is in the advanced typesetting features.